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Winning awards for innovation and excellence, the Opioids Don'tDiscriminate campaign is an interactive experience held in Strathcona County, where visitors were able to walk and follow the stories of three individuals affected by the opioid crisis,…

A series of dramatizations, focusing on the importance of showing compassion to people with lived or living experience of susbtance use. Of note, many of the actors in the videos were people with lived and living experience (PWLLEs). These videos…

For the first iteration of this campaign in 2019, the City of Grande Prairie, SK released a video featuring a variety of people with lived and living experience (PWLLEs) and service providers, discussing the increased substance use in their town.…

"Making the Difference: Small Town Anywhere" is a short documentary that features a number of professionals in rural Camsack, Saskatechewan, discussing their need for service providers and accessible resources to combat the worsening opioid crisis.…

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A Facebook post and physical poster created and distributed the by Brantford Substance Users Network published in advance of International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31, 2020. Physical posters of this Facebook post were also spread around the…

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When it launched in 2019, the Label Me Person campaign was meant to be a city-wide "travelling community display"; over the course of a year, its home base relocated to different organizations in Windsor. The pop-up started at Windsor Regional…

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Born out of the "dual public health emergencies" of the overdose crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, the FNHA released this "extensive, province-wide overdose prevention campaign" related to harm reduction, comparing the provincial response to both…

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Notable for including the narrative of a person in active use, "End Stigma" is a "four part series of stories and videos about the stigma faced by those impacted by substance use". Interior Health also cut together a 30-second version of each…

This campaign builds on the "Stop Overdose BC" concept by integrating four related videos on opioids and overdose prevention, demonstrating the impact of the opioid crisis on real people in the Durham Region. The videos focus on the opioid crisis in…

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Unique for its representation of intersecting oppressions and active drug use, Northern Health's antistigma campaign features the narratives of nine people with lived and living experience (five in active use and four in recovery) and two family…
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