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- Tags: 70-99% Middle & Upper class
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Opioid Overdoses: What you need to know
Campaign posters and ads pushed traffic to the website above which also includes an updated version of the campaign poster that differs slightly from the file above (the initial version of the poster launched in 2020). Slight differences…
Tags: 2 to 5 PWLLE, 2 to 5 total individuals featured, 70-99% Middle & Upper class, 70-99% White, Addiction Does Not Discriminate, Includes Indigenous individuals, Includes Older Adults (60+), Increases Overdose Risk, Mixture of Classes, Mostly PWUD, No Intersections, Prejudice/Stereotypes/In your head
Making the Difference: Small Town Anywhere
"Making the Difference: Small Town Anywhere" is a short documentary that features a number of professionals in rural Camsack, Saskatechewan, discussing their need for service providers and accessible resources to combat the worsening opioid crisis.…
Tags: 11 or more total individuals featured, 6 to 10 PWLLE, 70-99% Men, 70-99% Middle & Upper class, 70-99% White, Addiction Does Not Discriminate, Age Mixture, Barrier to Action, Barrier to Treatment, Break the Silence, Documentary, Education, Mental Illness, Mostly younger individuals, Recovery Is Possible, Societal Silence
In Plain Sight
Between May and August of 2019, Health Canada released an 8-episode podcast series on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and their own website that "explores the personal stories of people affected by the opioid crisis"; a crisis that is happening "in…
Stop Overdose BC
This anti-stigma campaign was developed by BC's Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions and launched in January 2018. The social marketing campaign's materials included two TV spot PSAs, an initial roll-out of four posters/social media ads (coloured…