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Winning awards for innovation and excellence, the Opioids Don'tDiscriminate campaign is an interactive experience held in Strathcona County, where visitors were able to walk and follow the stories of three individuals affected by the opioid crisis,…

"Making the Difference: Small Town Anywhere" is a short documentary that features a number of professionals in rural Camsack, Saskatechewan, discussing their need for service providers and accessible resources to combat the worsening opioid crisis.…

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When it launched in 2019, the Label Me Person campaign was meant to be a city-wide "travelling community display"; over the course of a year, its home base relocated to different organizations in Windsor. The pop-up started at Windsor Regional…

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Unique for its representation of intersecting oppressions and active drug use, Northern Health's antistigma campaign features the narratives of nine people with lived and living experience (five in active use and four in recovery) and two family…

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Highlighting the "province-to-province grassroots initiatives [that] provide harm reduction services, prevent overdoses, and reverse overdoses when they happen", this documentary addresses the stigma around substance use disorder. It narrows its…

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Between May and August of 2019, Health Canada released an 8-episode podcast series on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and their own website that "explores the personal stories of people affected by the opioid crisis"; a crisis that is happening "in…
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