Browse Items (19 total)
- Format is exactly "Social Marketing"
The Other Pandemic
Ease the Burden
Too Many Men
Making the Difference: On the frontlines of the addiction and opioid crisis in Saskatchewan
Tags: 11 or more PWLLE, 11 or more total individuals featured, 70-99% White, Addiction Does Not Discriminate, Barrier to Action, Barrier to Treatment, Documentary, Includes Indigenous individuals, Mixture of Classes, Mostly Younger Adults (30-45y), Mostly younger individuals, No Intersections, Other Identities, Prejudice/Stereotypes/In your head, Recovery Is Possible, Sharing Personal Stories, Shift Attributions
Opioid Overdoses: What you need to know
Tags: 2 to 5 PWLLE, 2 to 5 total individuals featured, 70-99% Middle & Upper class, 70-99% White, Addiction Does Not Discriminate, Includes Indigenous individuals, Includes Older Adults (60+), Increases Overdose Risk, Mixture of Classes, Mostly PWUD, No Intersections, Prejudice/Stereotypes/In your head
Making the Difference: Small Town Anywhere
Tags: 11 or more total individuals featured, 6 to 10 PWLLE, 70-99% Men, 70-99% Middle & Upper class, 70-99% White, Addiction Does Not Discriminate, Age Mixture, Barrier to Action, Barrier to Treatment, Break the Silence, Documentary, Education, Mental Illness, Mostly younger individuals, Recovery Is Possible, Societal Silence
On peut tous agir pour sauver des vies. (We can all do our part to save lives.)
Eye of the Storm
Overdose can affect anyone (BSUN)
Tags: 100% Middle & Upper class, 2 to 5 PWLLE, 2 to 5 total individuals featured, Addiction Does Not Discriminate, Age Mixture, Includes Asian/Middle-Eastern individuals, Includes Black individuals, Includes potential users, Increases Overdose Risk, Mostly PWUD, No Intersections, Other Identities, Prejudice/Stereotypes/In your head