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Targeting men employed in skilled trades and transport, this Vancouver Island-based campaign sought to raise awareness for drug addiction support services, provide education on overdose prevention and treatment, and encourage the breaking of silence…

A series of dramatizations, focusing on the importance of showing compassion to people with lived or living experience of susbtance use. Of note, many of the actors in the videos were people with lived and living experience (PWLLEs). These videos…

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Born out of the "dual public health emergencies" of the overdose crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, the FNHA released this "extensive, province-wide overdose prevention campaign" related to harm reduction, comparing the provincial response to both…

A collaboration between First Nations Health Authority and Vancouver Coastal Health, this campaign is a four-part video series covering the following topics: Harm Reduction Indigenizing Harm Reduction Resisting (Reducing) Stigma Hopes for the…

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Notable for including the narrative of a person in active use, "End Stigma" is a "four part series of stories and videos about the stigma faced by those impacted by substance use". Interior Health also cut together a 30-second version of each…

The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) enlisted the help of social justice-oriented creative and digital agency, Hello Cool World Media, to custom build a harm reduction showcase called Toward the Heart. According to Hello Cool World, the phrase…

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Unique for its representation of intersecting oppressions and active drug use, Northern Health's antistigma campaign features the narratives of nine people with lived and living experience (five in active use and four in recovery) and two family…

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A year and a half after the release of the "Stop Overdose BC" campaign, the BC Government Communications & Public Engagement agency (GCPE) enlisted the help of a multicultural ad agency, Captus Advertising, to adapt the campaign for ethnic…

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This anti-stigma campaign was developed by BC's Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions and launched in January 2018. The social marketing campaign's materials included two TV spot PSAs, an initial roll-out of four posters/social media ads (coloured…
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