Browse our collection of 150+ drug-related anti-stigma campaigns from across Canada. The Anti-Stigma Archive endeavours to collect, record and analyze Canadian campaigns that aimed to reduce drug-related stigma. Created in 2021 by Scott Neufeld and the CARE Collective at Brock University, this project is an ongoing effort and aims to help those interested in studying or making their own anti-stigma campaigns.
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Compassionate Action: An Anti-Stigma Campaign
A series of dramatizations, focusing on the importance of showing compassion to people with lived or living experience of susbtance use. Of note, many…
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It is ok to ask for help
In April 2023, the City of Edmonton's YouTube channel released a brief video aimed at informing the public about the ongoing drug toxicity crisis…
Building Hope: Substance Use in the Trades
Presented by the Tides of Change South Surrey Overdose Prevention and Response Community Action Team, this campaign consists of an eight-minute video…
The Other Pandemic
Created in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, this campaign sheds light on the disproportionate impact of the opioid epidemic on tradespeople, with a…